Hello, I’m Hayden Schuster, Founder of RCM.
Why Work Together? I’ve grown up in the digital world. My business acumen, content marketing exposure, and digitally native skills will take your brand to the next level. 📈 I have OVER 5 YEARS of experience testing, learning, analyzing, and creating high-level strategies for a large variety of brands,, including Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Stellantis, BMW, and more. I’m a self-learner and highly motivated to succeed, which proves mutually beneficial for any business, brand, or individual who takes a chance on me. Why should you hire me?
Can You Trust My Digital Marketing Knowledge? I currently work full-time as a Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist with an SEO focus at Adpearance, one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Portland, OR. I currently handle 31 SEO Clients in my day-to-day work.
After working hours and on the weekends I freelance and use my Digital Marketing knowledge to help brands, businesses, and organizations level up their digital arsenal.
Want to check out my latest Resume?
Pre-pandemic I was working as a Digital Media Specialist for just under three years at the Clark County Event Center. My role was essentially an in-house agency working with an external team to create large-scale digital marketing campaigns (see below).
As a Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, Hayden currently works on large-scale local SEO strategy with various automotive Clients like Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Kia, Toyota, Stellantis, BMW, and more.
Rose City Marketing Client Work
We’ll be updating our portfolio page regularly. All RCM work is done by Hayden Schuster, Founder of Rose City Marketing.
Russell Art Works
RCM built an E-Commerce website from the ground up using Squarespace. The goal? Create a professional-oriented website to highlight each rock sculpture creatively.
Schusters Constructive Solutions | SCS
SCS offers creative and integrity-based construction services that protect their Client’s best interests. RCM developed their website using Squarespace. (Video created by “Didacus Games”)
Junior Livestock Auction
Due to Coronavirus and the cancellation of the 2020 Clark County Fair, the JLA held a VIRTUAL Auction for the first time ever. They hired RCM to take care of all of their social media channels and digital marketing starting July 2020. In 2019 466 families, businesses, services, clubs, restaurants, markets and groups supported the in-person auction. In total, 272 animals were sold by 144 total 4-H and FFA Youth. Amazingly, when the auction was moved online, momentum continued in 2020. Despite the lack of foot traffic (The 2nd Saturday of the Fair typically has between 40K - 45K attendees that day), an incredible 171 animals were sold, 1,327 bids were entered, and $325K was raised for the 4-H and FFA Youth. What an incredible accomplishment considering the momentous challenges. Likewise, RCM helped their JLA Facebook Page grow 327% in 4 months! Our most successful organic post reached 6.1K, racking in 524 total post clicks and 390 reactions, comments, and shares. This is impressive considering the digital budget and lack of sustained social media presence going into 2020. What is the JLA? Livestock Exhibitors (4-H or FFA Youth) accept great responsibility by raising an animal for an annual auction on the second Saturday at the Clark County Fair. The goal is to learn about the agricultural life cycle, which is a skill many kids go their entire lives without learning about.
EZ Marine Products
EZ Marine is an E-Commerce business focused on providing the best quality fishing products in the pacific northwest. Until now they haven’t had much of an online presence; however, due to increased digital consumption (and the acquisition of Titeline Fishing Products), they understand how valuable it can be for their business. They’ve hired our services to build a robust online presence to sell additional anchors, pullers, bait caddy’s, and other products they provide online.
Hayden Schuster (Owner, RCM) completed these campaigns (BELOW) in his previous role as Digital Media Specialist at the Clark County Event Center. Hayden operated as an in-house agency but worked together with an external team (media buyer, photographer, videographer, PR) to complete these large-scale campaigns. The work below is an indicator of how RCM has the large-scale digital marketing background needed to achieve your business goals.